Blog post on: "You thought you had the right to choose what you eat?"
Organic & All Natural Vitamins & Minerals. Organic herbs, plant based standardized minerals and phyto chemicals. Helping others when helping yourself through social media called social entrepreneur. No Synthetic Vitamins, Understanding Vitamins, Stable Nutritional Vitamin Mineral Questions Mineral Products Must be from plants or animals. Evaluating Vitamins and Mineral Deficiency.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
How playing games increase the IQ of children. A TED talk. Probably TV all does the opposite. A TED talk. Probably TV all does the opposite.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Dietary Supplement Protection Act (DSPA) as as H.R.3380 Lets stop the "anti-health-freedom opponents"
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Only 1 in 100 girls in USA enter puberty 100 years ago at age 8, today it's 1 in 6 because of pollution.
Proverbs 12:22 teaches, "The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful."
Every day millions of Americans say to themselves, "I never thought I'd be taking so many pills (drugs)."
Make the switch.
Make the switch.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Avoid all products with Fluoride. Fluoride toothpaste etc.
Why do people fail in business? Tim Sales does a great job talking about the benefits of a MLM (Networking) business. 9 mins long.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
God made insects, parasites, fungus, bacteria and viruses all serve His purpose. We must work with His plan for good health.
Next time you buy vinegar look at the bottle to make sure that there’s a settlement there & it must be apple cider vinegar.
"Oxygenation through deep breathing boosts the immune system & rid body of chronic illnesses." Dr. Hendler, MD, "The Oxygen Breakthrough"
"Breathing correctly is the key to better fitness, muscle strength, stamina, and athletic endurance."
Sports Training Institute
Sports Training Institute
Monday, December 26, 2011
The herb horsetail made into a tea is reported to have silica which the body converts into natural calcium. Interesting isn't it?
We have 2 ears & 1 mouth & should use them both proportionately. Meeting someone new ‘listen’ more than you ‘talk’ ok?
Drink more H20? Dehydrated people burn less fat than those drinking water during exercise. It's the oxygen in the water that burns fat.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Horsechestnuts have been used for backache, hemorrhoids and neurological rheumatism even whooping cough in the past.
Diuretics get rid of water the problem is fat does not have any water. Protein and carbohydrates have water but not fat.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Fat leaves the body through carbon dioxide. Fat is the only 1 of the 3 major classes of food material that is stored free of water. This is the best video you have ever seen on how to grow a garden, God Way. No water, no tilling.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Colloidal minerals are not food just ground-up rocks combined with 1 or 2 amino acids. Not as good as Phytomatrix by Mannatech.
What a Wonderful World - BBC video Marry Christmas.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Cholesterol. It's a building block for your cells. It's critical for memory, mental function & our sex hormones.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Breastfed children follow a different growth pattern than non-breastfed children, which has health benefits many 19 years, proven. A vegetable garden can save money & world, re-localize our food & feed our growing population.
Selenium in food. Brazil nuts are the most highly concentrated eat 2-4 Brazil nuts each day. Also eggs, shiitake mushrooms, barley & turkey.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
We live in a sickness-causing environment. Do you know why & how to protect yourself?
Robyn O'Brien Tells about her child was suffering after eating junk food. She switched.
You don't think caffeine is harmful? Well, look look
Monday, December 19, 2011
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Remember Columbine High School shootings a decade ago? The shooters were on antidepressant drugs, which can cause violent acts.
Is The Macrobiotic Diet a Good Diet? One of the reasons that it works is that brown rice hulls have some glyconutritionals in it.
Deep breathing if done correct way will help purify itself through the lymph system.
Calcium Carbonate: white mineral (calcite) which occurs naturally in chalks, limestones & marbles.
Stress can manifests in: headaches, nausea,
rapid heartbeat, difficulty sleeping & inability to concentrate. Want the answer?
rapid heartbeat, difficulty sleeping & inability to concentrate. Want the answer?
Friday, December 16, 2011
We should get our minerals from food not rock dust & salt licks like the salt blocks licked by cows or other livestock.
I am sure looking forward to my (Dottie & me) all-expenses-paid free trip to Hawaii in January. We get one every year.
Are you taking "Colloidal Minerals?" If you are your own drinking finely ground up rocks and dirt. It’s not a food.
Thursday, December 15, 2011 How Modern Dietary Patterns Lead to Disease. A TED Talk
Wednesday, December 14, 2011 it's an introduction to Glycobiology with Dr. Robert Murray. Sample
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Integrative medicine, Can be defined: Nutrition, exercise, 100% natural supplements & pharmaceuticals, what do you think?
Videos on Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment (HBOT) for Brain Injuries.
Why are so many parents buying there children unhealthy and sometimes harmful food?
Monday, December 12, 2011
Why Does Our Skin Dry Out During This Season?
How computer games & learning to juggle improves the IQ of children. Fascinating video from TED.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
New Zealand has a bill to make growing food or saving seeds a privilege granted by government rather than a human right.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Ultrasound surgery - Healing without cuts TED Video this new surgical options are sometimes life changing.
Free Tools To Help You Keep The Weight Off This Holiday Season
95% of all mineral supplements sold are nothing more than ground up rocks. Plant-sourced minerals are food, rocks are not.
What is your thoughts? Thoughts on Natural Vitamins in 2011 With 14 ISKA World Titles in BREAKING STUFF it's no wonder I really like Team Mannatech's Chip Townsend!
Autoimmune affects 50 million Americans. It's 1 of the top 10 causes of death in women under the age of 65. What Developmental Biologists and PHD's Have to Say about the Mannatech "Scam" -
44 children's cereals have more sugar in a single cup than three Chips Ahoy! Cookies!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Can you put on your socks without sitting down? If not get on some all natural supplements, a detox program & O2 therapy. Hydroponics, get optimal nutritional yield in in your apartment. Open source projects. Video from TED. On regenerating our bodies. A child 6 months or younger, if they lose their fingertip can re-grow it, why?
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Is Mark Victor Hansen running a scam by helping people?
Is Mark Victor Hansen running a scam by helping people?
Our goal is linking millions of consumers to millions of at-risk children. “Donation Through Consumption”
In US, 71% of all antibiotics are fed to farm animals.
Jay Abraham on Falling in Love with your Clients, My son Troy works with Jay.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Question- If all the lining (olveoli) of the Lungs were spread out, it would cover? Half, 1, or 3 tennis courts. Answer one.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Are Natural Vitamins Harmful?
Media May Kill Vitamins
Frank Herd on November 23rd, 2011
Submitted as a guest editorial by Suzanne Jenkins, November 20, 2011
What happened to the media that investigates and reports both sides of the story? The practice of denigrating dietary supplements and raising public concern over “safety” has been elevated to an art form by the media. Sound bites and articles with such titles as, “Vitamins May Kill Elderly Americans,” ignore the number of documented deaths caused by prescription drugs. Without both sides of the story, media is playing with half a deck – when this happens in oppressed countries, we call it propaganda.
The current rant over the safety of dietary supplements is really not about safety. Lack of “safety” is being touted as the main reason supplements are under siege. However, ignored by the media is the Adverse Events Reporting System (AERS) of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which contains over 4 million adverse events reported from 1969 to the present for FDA approved drugs. From 2000 to 2009, the FDA AERS received 370,056 reports of deaths and 2,345,066 reports of serious patient outcomes from FDA approved drugs, NOT from dietary supplements. Eleven years ago on July 26, 2000, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reported that behind heart disease and cancer, American medicine was the 3rd leading cause of death.
The study inspiring the media to create confusion, “Dietary Supplements and Mortality Rate in Older Women: The Iowa Women’s Health Study,” was observational and not the double-blind placebo gold standard with controls on every test component. Doctors and scientists know that an observational study based on a self-reporting questionnaire does not prove cause and effect – but the reader wouldn’t know that from a flamboyant title that indicates sensationalism is more important than substance. Studies like these look for clues that should then lead to further research. They are not designed to be used to guide clinical medicine or public health recommendations.
The value of using dietary supplements to improve the health of the elderly, as well as the health of other sectors of the population, has been confirmed in published studies. The Lewin Group is a health care consulting firm that does policy research and data analysis on Medicare, etc. In their study, “A Study of the Cost Effects of Daily Multivitamins on Older Adults,” the Lewin Group summarized that “given the available evidence, we conclude that daily multivitamins can be beneficial for older adults. Because suboptimal nutrient intake has been linked to chronic disease, the risk from not taking a multivitamin outweighs the minimal risks of taking one.”
Various think tanks have determined that a significant number of older Americans are deficient in vitamins and trace elements and could benefit from taking a multivitamin. A study entitled, “Effect of Selected Dietary Supplements on Health Care Reduction,” commissioned by the Dietary Supplement Education Alliance and updated in 2007, found that taking four specific supplements could reduce health care cost by over $24 billion.
Reviews supporting the use of nutritional supplements have appeared in both JAMA and The New England Journal of Medicine. Some people, due to age, genetic predisposition, environmental insult, lifestyle choices, disability, or disease, have a heightened requirement for dietary supplements.
Media cannot fulfill its obligation to the public when the only source of information considered originates from government, corporations that represent conventional medicine, or sectors that serve both. Media shapes public opinion about dietary supplements with information coming from entities representing only the conventional standard of care model. The Feds, pharmaceutical industry, and media make interesting bedfellows. What we have is mainstream corporate journalism devoted to official positions.
The purpose of thorough and unbiased investigational reporting is to empower the public to deal intelligently with information. Besides knowing where and when a medical study took place, reporters need to ask critical questions and provide the people they serve with answers to the following:
Who funded the study?
What was the original purpose of the study?
What substances were tested (types and dosages)?
Did the research involve combinations of nutrients?
Was the research on isolated components only?
In the case of hormones, were they synthetic or compounded bio-identical hormones?
What type of study was it (observational or double-blind placebo)?
What was the outcome of the study?
Whose health stands to benefit from the outcome?
Who stands to profit monetarily from the outcome?
Were physician/researchers from ACAM (American College for Advancement in Medicine) or other scientists without financial ties asked to comment on the study?
To connect the dots, the media has to recognize itself as a significant part of the health care problem in the U.S. Since the media shapes public opinion, special interest groups will continue to use the media to discredit dietary supplements and ultimately make them ineffective or unavailable to the public in the over-the-counter manner we enjoy now. Does the media want conventional medicine, with its heavy reliance on expensive physician-dispensed prescription drugs, to be the only game in town? Media must not offer a Trojan horse to a public that relies on it to be impartial and knowledgeable enough to report both sides of the story.
Frank Herd on November 23rd, 2011
Submitted as a guest editorial by Suzanne Jenkins, November 20, 2011
What happened to the media that investigates and reports both sides of the story? The practice of denigrating dietary supplements and raising public concern over “safety” has been elevated to an art form by the media. Sound bites and articles with such titles as, “Vitamins May Kill Elderly Americans,” ignore the number of documented deaths caused by prescription drugs. Without both sides of the story, media is playing with half a deck – when this happens in oppressed countries, we call it propaganda.
The current rant over the safety of dietary supplements is really not about safety. Lack of “safety” is being touted as the main reason supplements are under siege. However, ignored by the media is the Adverse Events Reporting System (AERS) of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which contains over 4 million adverse events reported from 1969 to the present for FDA approved drugs. From 2000 to 2009, the FDA AERS received 370,056 reports of deaths and 2,345,066 reports of serious patient outcomes from FDA approved drugs, NOT from dietary supplements. Eleven years ago on July 26, 2000, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reported that behind heart disease and cancer, American medicine was the 3rd leading cause of death.
The study inspiring the media to create confusion, “Dietary Supplements and Mortality Rate in Older Women: The Iowa Women’s Health Study,” was observational and not the double-blind placebo gold standard with controls on every test component. Doctors and scientists know that an observational study based on a self-reporting questionnaire does not prove cause and effect – but the reader wouldn’t know that from a flamboyant title that indicates sensationalism is more important than substance. Studies like these look for clues that should then lead to further research. They are not designed to be used to guide clinical medicine or public health recommendations.
The value of using dietary supplements to improve the health of the elderly, as well as the health of other sectors of the population, has been confirmed in published studies. The Lewin Group is a health care consulting firm that does policy research and data analysis on Medicare, etc. In their study, “A Study of the Cost Effects of Daily Multivitamins on Older Adults,” the Lewin Group summarized that “given the available evidence, we conclude that daily multivitamins can be beneficial for older adults. Because suboptimal nutrient intake has been linked to chronic disease, the risk from not taking a multivitamin outweighs the minimal risks of taking one.”
Various think tanks have determined that a significant number of older Americans are deficient in vitamins and trace elements and could benefit from taking a multivitamin. A study entitled, “Effect of Selected Dietary Supplements on Health Care Reduction,” commissioned by the Dietary Supplement Education Alliance and updated in 2007, found that taking four specific supplements could reduce health care cost by over $24 billion.
Reviews supporting the use of nutritional supplements have appeared in both JAMA and The New England Journal of Medicine. Some people, due to age, genetic predisposition, environmental insult, lifestyle choices, disability, or disease, have a heightened requirement for dietary supplements.
Media cannot fulfill its obligation to the public when the only source of information considered originates from government, corporations that represent conventional medicine, or sectors that serve both. Media shapes public opinion about dietary supplements with information coming from entities representing only the conventional standard of care model. The Feds, pharmaceutical industry, and media make interesting bedfellows. What we have is mainstream corporate journalism devoted to official positions.
The purpose of thorough and unbiased investigational reporting is to empower the public to deal intelligently with information. Besides knowing where and when a medical study took place, reporters need to ask critical questions and provide the people they serve with answers to the following:
Who funded the study?
What was the original purpose of the study?
What substances were tested (types and dosages)?
Did the research involve combinations of nutrients?
Was the research on isolated components only?
In the case of hormones, were they synthetic or compounded bio-identical hormones?
What type of study was it (observational or double-blind placebo)?
What was the outcome of the study?
Whose health stands to benefit from the outcome?
Who stands to profit monetarily from the outcome?
Were physician/researchers from ACAM (American College for Advancement in Medicine) or other scientists without financial ties asked to comment on the study?
To connect the dots, the media has to recognize itself as a significant part of the health care problem in the U.S. Since the media shapes public opinion, special interest groups will continue to use the media to discredit dietary supplements and ultimately make them ineffective or unavailable to the public in the over-the-counter manner we enjoy now. Does the media want conventional medicine, with its heavy reliance on expensive physician-dispensed prescription drugs, to be the only game in town? Media must not offer a Trojan horse to a public that relies on it to be impartial and knowledgeable enough to report both sides of the story.
From Value of dietary supplements, nutrients and natural approaches to health and wellness.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Retired NYPD Detective 'Mannatech Scam' You Decide Guilty or Not Guilty based on the facts not opinions.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Laminin, an Important Protein that Looks Like a Cross
Laminin, an Important Protein that Looks Like a Cross
Go to Did you know General Mills says can’t cut any more sugar from Cereals, cause kids will hate them?
“The real truth about Egg Beaters.” "Do you eat it? If so why?
Another aspect "Organic" does not apply to nutrition. It's supposed to mean "chemical free." Fungi & bacteria are organic.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Is Fluoridation in water, SAFE? Read My views & 4 videos along with Ron Paul in my post:
Wanted: Any equipment. juicers to exercise equipment for a new Holistic Health Resort in Oregon.
Garden & farm equipment.
Garden & farm equipment.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Did you know? You could eat a different apple every day for over 18 years and never eat the same kind twice.
Mainstream healthcare providers wont more clinical information on the efficacy of alternative medicine techniques.
A study by Group Health Research Institute, most patients willing to try alternative medicine treatments.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Radio news this AM...that "JOBS" are few & far between as companies are too afraid to employ extra staff.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Gary Taubes says in his New York Times Magazine article “Is Sugar Toxic?” (April 2011), There are109 different sugar molecules.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
3 Home Schooling Mothers with blogs all recommend Mannatech:; &
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
In USA 2,500 children a year are admitted to emergency rooms for shock & burn injuries from electrical receptacles. Use aloeVera.
So-called ‘authorities’ raid organic farm picnic event! Posted on my blog. Share this.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Test for Good Nerves: Stand, your feet together, eyes shut. Should be without swaying or losing balance for 1 minute.
Register for my free newsletter Switch to powerful, natural, plant-sourced supplements based on Real Food.
Did you know that Omega 3 helps the brain? watch this short video
Have U ever been lured into buying cheaper, warehouse club or grocery store vitamins? Don't fall for it their synthetic.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Imagine eating a "chew" that tastes like candy, but has more pure nutrition in it than most of the foods you'll eat all week!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Change Your Marketing Message: Increase Your Prospects
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Most of the Honey you buy in the grocery store contains no actual honey whatsoever.
At a restaurant always get their lemon slices and squeeze it in your water to help digestion.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Farmers get $ by the weight & size of crops, not by amount of nutrients. Fruits & vegetables provide fewer vitamins & minerals.
If you're making fresh vegetable juice make sure it's organic so you're not getting toxins along with the good stuff.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Take HCl (acid) 5 min. before the meal and digestive enzymes and probiotics after the meal for best results.
Monday, November 14, 2011
In one study not a single person out of 22,000 surveyed got 100% of the RDAs from diet alone. Think you should supplement?
From 1910 to now we have lost 38 to 86% of our mineral content in our soil and our food. You should take natural minerals, right?
It's always better to appreciate and be thankful for things you have than to have lust and gread for more.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
In my multiple vitamin and mineral one tablet is equal to 26.3 pounds of fresh spinach for zinc. Zinc from food.
Adrenaline (an adrenal hormone) gives us super strength. With in certain situations you really can lift a car.
Why Do Some Say Dietary Supplements are Dangers? Look at the facts on my blog.
Friday, November 11, 2011
2 types of allergies. Allergy to Dust & pollen etc the other to food. Both are nutritional deficiencies.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Natural weed whacker: Boiling water on weeds sprouting up through cracks in driveways & sidewalks. Or vinegar spray on weeds.
CRYSTALLINE-Was a natural food as its original but was treated with chemicals to reduce crystalline vitamin. No longer natural. All Root Canals are harmful. If nerve is exposed take out the tooth. For better health in the future.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
You cannot buy back yesterday. You can only fully maximize today and tomorrow.
For over 35 years I have loved publisher for organic & sustainable farming. They have 100's of books.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Question? Should we eat lots of spices and put things like Cayenne pepper on our food? Answer "YES."
Three types of stress: Mental, Physical and Chemical.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Caffeine During Pregnancy Can Damage Your Baby see me new post
Sunflower lecithin has naturally occurring phospholipids derived from sunflower oil. Can be used as an alternative for canola oil.
"All achievements, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea and every idea is from God" - Ken Anderson
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Taking supplements make sure they are standardized. If not standardized. They can very 3200% from batch to batch.
Check the label all of your vitamin E, natural or synthetic. Vitamin E. DL-Alpha is synthetic, Natural is D-alpha.
Chelated magnesium, magnesium oxide , magnesium aspartate & magnesium gluconate, all are ground-up rocks not food.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Swedish study more natural potassium from reduces stroke risk. Hillel Mazansky M.D.
Thursday, November 3, 2011 A great new video on Omega 3 from Mannatech do you know how important it is?
Could be called Junk Food, Colored gummy vitamins not food for Children, in fact probably harmful.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Simplest thing to improve quality of life is to stop eating sugar & things with it. Low glycemic foods ONLY.
"The Living Matrix" trailer video on the movie I this new & maybe controversy to/for you?
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Question: When people are are under stress does their requirement for vitamin B complex goes up? Yes or No? The Answer "YES."
? 3 richest non-heme sources of iron, Brewer's yeast, Blackstrap molasses & ...?: A) Wheat germ; B) Wheat bran; C) Rolled oats? Answer B)
Monday, October 31, 2011
Mobile Phone Radiation, Concerned about the dangers of radio frequencies (RF) bombarding our bodies, our brains.
Question to ask people: Everyone's fingerprints are different, is the same thing true with our tongue print? Answer YES
? Omega-3 Supplement should always be? A. Omega-3 only? B. Omega-3 & 6? C. Omega-3, 6 & 9? Answer A. (Never take Omega-6 & 9)
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Question "Aspirin kills what % more people than are killed by H1N1 flu? 20%, 150%, 300% or 400% – Answer is 400%.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
If someone says " Hi, I'm from the Federal Government and I'm here to help you." "RUN" President Ronald Reagan
What vitamin was confirmed after the discovery from the dust of a butterfly's wing? Ask your friend's. Answer Folic acid Vit B9.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Ask friends: 10 years playing NFL we shorten or diminish your life span by how many years, 5, 10, 15, or 25? Answer 25
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Ask your friends: "One of the cheapest sources of food fiber is: Apples, Popcorn, Apricot, Guava or Bran?" Answer is Bran.
Let me help you launch a successful career as a Health Coach in a year & a half. Call me & I can explain 1-541-840-6811.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Organic farmers nourish the soil that feeds our food. Research shows that organically-produced foods are higher nutrients.
Hydrogen peroxide 3% - 2 drops each ear, I think will help to ward off the flu or cold. After 60 sec, cotton swab till dry.
"Believing when it's beyond the power of reason to believe," do you think this could be called Faith, Hope or Wishful thinking?
A "TED talk" by Robyn O'Brien Talks Real Food. Also we should use Real Food Supplements. Time Zone Converter. For current time anywhere in the world.
Monday, October 24, 2011
“The human body heals itself & nutrition provides the resources to accomplish the task.” Roger Williams, PhD
Beware of the word RAW in supplements it's not always a food. Rock dust can be raw still NOT food. example "Raw Food-Chealted Minerals."
Scientific American Even one's IQ is related to gut flora" "Gut flora is destroyed by antibiotics" to Blame for Skyrocketing Mental Illness Rates.
Vitamin supplements with chelated minerals are nothing more than rocks with an amino acid around it. Not Real Food.
Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health and is as friendly to the mind as to the body.
Joseph Addison
Joseph Addison
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Web sites for information on dietary supplement ingredients

For more information about the benefits of dietary supplement ingredients, I suggest the following online resources:
American Botanical Council Healthy Ingredients (requires registration, but access is free):
Cosmetics Information Provided by the Personal Care Products Council
Council for Responsible Nutrition (free)
International Bibliographic Database on Dietary Supplements (free)
MedLinePLUS (free)
Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database (about $10/month fee for access)
Natural Standard (some information is free)
Friday, October 21, 2011
General Mills Says It Can't Cut Any More Sugar From Its Cereals, Because Kids Will Hate Them. Read my blog post. "Let Steve Harrison take you on a road trip to learn from one of the most influential and successful authors of all time"
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come. Automobile, Facebook, Google, Glyco-Nutritionals, all natural vitamins & plant minerals.
Is a Child’s IQ Influenced by His Diet? Answer at - Click "Like" if you agree.
Are lethal synthetic vitamins lurking in your supplements without you even knowing about it?
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Does "Natural" mean anything anymore? Look at Vitamins & cereals.
To build a powerful Internet brand you need an idea that is for sure, but also a sense of urgency to act fast.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
The best kind of shampoo & soap acid pH. Test your soap & shampoo just like you do your swimming pool should be under 6.0 pH.
Monday, October 17, 2011
JAMA: "50% of all people under Dr's care seek 1st a better quality of life with dietary supplements to improve their lifestyle."
Ask your friends: Enzymes are so small they cannot be seen by most microscopes? Yes or no? The the the answer is YES.
The history of vitamin E

Vitamin E
By Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD
The history of vitamin E, its early massive rejection for about 40 years and its increasing acceptance today is very interesting and contains many lessons for physicians and for medical schools. The only reason it was so thoroughly rejected is that physicians knew hardly anything about vitamins. For decades, vitamin E pioneers Drs. Wilfred and Evan Shute were deprived of any recognition which was deservedly theirs. At the end of their lives they had some satisfaction from the recognition they received from orthomolecular physicians. They were the first doctors who had to face the unreasonable and unrelenting opposition of the medical establishment for their espousal of megadoses of a vitamin. This opposition was totally unscientific.
Unless we learn from history we are condemned to have to repeat it. I will quote Dr. Shute to give the reader a flavor of the controversy and how he reacted. In discussing coronary disease, he wrote:
"Hundreds of thousands more may die while scholars debate the etiological issue. Many more will go about clutching their anginal chests. What's to do meantime? Oxygen tents and anti coagulants, rest, reassurance by experts that this is really a mild disease, seem to meet the situation poorly. Indeed the whole Western world watches the progress of one famous patient after another, while celebrities by the score drop around us day by day.
"Into this situation we projected alpha tocopherol in 1947. One would have thought it would have been welcomed, since its rivals were so dangerous or so inadequate. But it was a far jump from abortion to coronary thrombosis, and an obstetrician was unduly hardy and audacious to try it. At the time so little was known of the accessory biochemical and physiological properties of alpha tocopherol that the proposal seemed doubly ludicrous. It met with a storm of rejection and is only now recovering from its hard reception. Had its vascular properties been recognized first (and at the International Congress on Vitamin E in Venice, Comel proposed it should henceforth be called the " angiophilic vitamin") it would have eased into Cardiology as gently and persuasively as heparin or dicumarol."
The Shute brothers in Ontario used 800 IU, and far more, to treat large numbers of patients with circulatory problems and heart disease, and to accelerate healing after burns. They were subjected to powerful opposition from the medical establishment, especially in Ontario. Still, they continued to add to their clinical experiences, but the medical journals would not publish their papers. Therefore, they published in their own journal, "The Summary."
Some recent reviews of vitamin E discuss the following indications.
(1) Cardiovascular disease.
(2) Premenstrual syndrome.
(3) Tissue ischemia, common in myocardial infarction, stroke and renal failure. Vitamin E reduces ischemia and will be very important in dealing with these conditions.
(4) Cancer prevention. Studies show an inverse relationship between vitamin E status and the development or risk of dying from cancer.
(5) Protection against environmental pollutants. It suppressed increased lipid peroxidation in cigarette smokers.
(6) Enhancing immune function.
It is clear that vitamin E will play an ever increasing role in the prevention and treatment of disease. It is no longer a vitamin in search of a disease. It is now an antioxidant vitamin intimately involved in the biochemistry and physiology of the body, and therefore involved with a host of diseases.
Drs. W. Shute and E. Shute recommended doses from 400 IU to 8,000 IU daily. The usual dose range was 800 to 1600 IU but they report that they had given 8,000 IU (about 8 grams) without seeing any toxicity. I usually use between 400 and 1,200 IU daily but for Crohns disease have been giving 4,000 IU. I have not yet seen any side effects form vitamin E administration. Dr. Marks reports that adults can safely be given 100 to 800 IU but excludes adults with alteration of vitamin K status or metabolism. Ingestion of 1,200 IU has increased the coagulation defect produced by vitamin K deficiency or by warfarin (Coumadin) treatment. Dr. Shute advises starting with small doses for patients who have rheumatic heart disease. He starts with 90 IU and very slowly works up the dose. The reason for this is that if too much is given at the beginning the increased strength of the heartbeat may create some difficulty. The same applies to heart failure from hypertension. The initial dose should be small and gradually increased. If this is done the final dose can safely reach 800 to 1,200 IU.
The public is well acquainted with vitamin E and its usefulness. They have had ample literature from which to learn. (Books written by the Shutes are posted at
In 1972 Dr. E. Di Cyan, a friend of mine, wrote his excellent book, "Vitamin E and Aging." (1) This book even today is very up-to date and in it is foreshadowed the many current interests in the medical profession which then were totally ignored and laughed at.
Two recent reports show that vitamin E helps heart patients get well from bypass surgery and angioplasties. Dr. D. S. Sgoutas, Dept of Pathology and Laboratory of Medicine at Emory University, found that 35.5 % of the angioplasty patients taking vitamin E suffered from restenosis, while 47.5% of the control placebo group did. J. American College of Nutrition, 11, 68-73, 1992 . Dr. T. Yau, U. of Toronto, reported that presurgical supplementation of vitamin E helped the heart pump during the high-risk five-hour postoperative period. Controls did not do as well.
On November 19, 1992 New York Newsday carried a report that Vitamin E had decreased the risk of heart disease between one-third and one-half. Two studies were conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health. In one study Dr. M. Stampfer et al (2) found that during an eight year follow up, women who had taken at least 100 IU of Vitamin E daily for two years had a 46 percent lower risk of having an heart attack. This was based on a population study involving 87,245 women. The second study, on men by Dr. E. Rimm et al (3), based upon 51,529 subjects, showed a 37 percent lower risk. They found that there was not enough vitamin E in food to reach these daily levels. Dr. Stampfer was so convinced by the data that he is himself taking the vitamin. Dr. Stampfer was very skeptical before the study. He thought it was implausible that a simple maneuver like taking vitamin E would have such a profound effect.
These findings are not surprising to anyone familiar with the Shutes' research on over 30,000 patients. Neither Stampfer, nor Rimm and their colleagues in their two papers make any reference to the pioneering work done much earlier by the Shute brothers, whose work was a model of good clinical research but the idea then so novel it was attacked. The Shutes were considered quacks since everyone knew that Vitamin E had no value for anything. The medical profession, instead of investigating these claims, carefully persisted in downgrading the work. In fact, one of the publications widely distributed to doctors did a hatchet job on the Shutes' work many years ago. By doing so it effectively killed interest for many decades. In this medical letter they reviewed four studies published between 1940 and 1950 which they claimed were definitive studies which proved Vitamin E had no therapeutic value for treating heart disease. I then read the four papers and found them to be inept and inadequate and so badly done that today no medical journal would publish them. They did not follow Dr. Shutes' directions, as they used too little vitamin for too short a period. Now scientists report a 35 to 50 percent reduction in heart disease.
Today, 40% of all deaths are caused by heart disease. Each day 2,000 people, or about 750,000 persons per year, die from heart disease. Let us assume that the reduction in risk is exaggerated, and that in reality there is only a 10 percent reduction. This means that each year about 50,000 fewer people would have died, a saving of about 200 patients daily. It is difficult to calculate overall how many would have been saved if the Harvard group has taken their responsibility seriously and examined the Vitamin E claims in 1950 instead of waiting until 1992. This is the real cost of medical cynicism. Had they been merely skeptical, they could have done the studies to satisfy their own curiosity. But they were so convinced the Shutes' findings were meaningless they went out of their way to destroy them. They succeeded. I wonder if the editors of that medical letter today have given any thought to the cost of this type of inexcusable delay. This happened several hundred years ago when Sir James Lind proved that citrus fruits could prevent scurvy in British sailors. The Navy began to issue limes 40 years later. In the meantime, 100,000 sailors died. This again illustrates the true cost of delay in examining seriously claims made by physicians.
The medical establishment consoles itself by claiming that the onus for proving new findings is on the original investigator. This is merely an excuse for doing nothing. The price is enormous. How much longer will society permit doctors the luxury of doing nothing, especially when the suggested treatments are safe, economical and the opinion of doctors who follow the treatments, so effective. The medical establishment should be ashamed of itself, and owes the American people an apology.
1. Di Cyan, E. Vitamin E & Aging. Pyramid Books, New York 1972.
2. Stampfer,M.J., Hennekens,C.H., Manson,J., Colditz, G.A., Rosner,B. & Willett, W.C. Vitamin E consumption and the risk of coronary disease in women. New England J. Med. 328: 1444 - 1449, 1993.
3. Rimm, E.B., Stampfer, M.J., Ascherio, A., Giovannucci, E., Colditz, G.A. & Willett, W.C. Vitamin E consumption and the risk of coronary heart disease in men. New England J Med 328; 1450-1456, 1993.
More information on by Dr. Hoffer on the Shutes' use of vitamin E:
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This page is not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision.
Neither the author nor the webmaster has authorized the use of their names or the use of any material contained within in connection with the sale, promotion or advertising of any product or apparatus. Single-copy reproduction for individual, non-commercial use is permitted providing no alterations of content are made, and credit is given.
NEWS: Vitamins proven harmful. What they failed to say is they're talking about the 95% synthetic vitamins sold in Health Food Stores.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily. – Zig Ziglar
Dottie & I are truly blessed today because our sons are preaching. Oldest Troy in Washington & Kenny in Eagle Point, Oregon.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Keep the Drugs Out of Our Food. Are we playing God? See the Videos my blog post & watch these 2 short Videos on (GMO) Genetic modification of Food. Are we playing God?
Ask someone: How many different kinds of enzymes are in the human body? 35, 105, 4000, over 10,000? Answer is 10,000 plus.
Ask your friends: "Enzymes are a class of: Fats, Carbohydrates, Vitamins or Proteins?" The answer is "Proteins."
Friday, October 14, 2011
Ask your friend, "Without enzymes, we could not breathe, digest food or move our bodies?" True or false? TRUE.
It’s Time to Eat Real, America! Food Day-October 24, 2011 The foods we choose to eat.. See my post, share it.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Is Ice cream good or bad? Learn about the bad side and share this.
A man of science talks about our food and how we should eat more food to get more vitamins. If the food in your grocery store has been genetically altered, shouldn't it be labeled? Share this.
Recipe for Synthetic Vitamin E, How synthetic vitamin E is made. from Rick Hake Posted on my blog
Recipe for Synthetic Vitamin E
Let’s look at how synthetic vitamin E is made in a chemical plant.
Step one: The chlorination of myrcene with liquid chlorine in boiling pentane
(gasoline) gives choromyrcene
Step two: Hydrochlorination with copper chloride and hydrochloric acid yields a
mixture of geranyl/neryl chloride
Step three: The reductive coupling of these products by means of Mg and copper chloride affords beta-springene, which is condensed with 2,3,6-
trimethylhydroquinone by means of cyclooctadienyl rhodium chloride dimer and
potassium carbonate in boiling toluene (paint thinner) to provide the Adjunct.
Step four: Cyclization of the adjunct by means of methyl alumium chloride in
boiling hexane furnishes synthetic tocotrienol, which is finally hydrogenated using a palladium metal catalyst in ethanol to give the target racemic D,L alpha
tocopherol (aka. synthetic vitamin E) Only one isomer produced
Many possible impurities from reactants or side reactions
Links to information;
Step one: The chlorination of myrcene with liquid chlorine in boiling pentane
(gasoline) gives choromyrcene
Step two: Hydrochlorination with copper chloride and hydrochloric acid yields a
mixture of geranyl/neryl chloride
Step three: The reductive coupling of these products by means of Mg and copper chloride affords beta-springene, which is condensed with 2,3,6-
trimethylhydroquinone by means of cyclooctadienyl rhodium chloride dimer and
potassium carbonate in boiling toluene (paint thinner) to provide the Adjunct.
Step four: Cyclization of the adjunct by means of methyl alumium chloride in
boiling hexane furnishes synthetic tocotrienol, which is finally hydrogenated using a palladium metal catalyst in ethanol to give the target racemic D,L alpha
tocopherol (aka. synthetic vitamin E) Only one isomer produced
Many possible impurities from reactants or side reactions
Links to information;
Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. ~Albert Camus
Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
7 award-winnning, all-terrain robots -- like the humanoid, soccer-playing DARwIn
Tuesday, October 11, 2011 Synthetic vitamins show up as black tar like substance after 10 minutes in oven at 350.
95% of vitamins sold in HFS's are synthetic.
Whats oozing out them in the photos?
Whats oozing out them in the photos?
I have more faith in my creator that I do it some man in a laboratory with the test tube, or doctors using their products. You can quote.
I say If you stay in your comfort zone your going down hill in your life.
Monday, October 10, 2011
I just posted "Food Sources of Vitamin B15" (Pangamic Acid) check it out. Adults eat 7 raw Apricot pita a day.
Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do. Dale Carnegie
1990 BioTechnology magazine publishers article "Capitalizing on Carbohydrates" saying they were essential for the immune function.
Successful Social Entrepreneur Movement “We need out-of-the box thinking.."
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Video "Coach" Butch Johnson, former Dallas Cowboys Loves Glyconutritionals & all natural Vitamins, so should you.
Is your child easily distracted? Does he/she have difficulty focusing in class? Maybe they need some 100% natural vitamins.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Mel Gibson expresses his concern on the growing danger of vitamins 75 sec from Youtube
Federal panel says healthy men should no longer have PSA test for prostate cancer. See post
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

Study shows Mannatech’s Ambrotose® complex improves well-being in healthy adults
September 28, 2011
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving more than 100 healthy adults, individuals who consumed Ambrotose complex powder reported numerous health and well-being benefits following 12 weeks of intake, compared with subjects taking a placebo. The study was conducted by Dr. Talitha Best, a post-doctoral research fellow at the Nutritional Physiology Research Centre, University of South Australia (UniSA), and the Brain Sciences Institute, Swinburne University of Technology, Associate Professor Eva Kemps, Flinders University, and Dr. Janet Bryan, UniSA (1)‡. Healthy adults taking Ambrotose complex powder perceived numerous quality-of-life benefits, including some that have been confirmed by formal cognitive testing (2)‡,(3).†* Gastrointestinal effects were also among the perceived benefits reported by individuals who consumed Ambrotose complex.”
* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
† Mannatech provided the Ambrotose supplement and placebo used in this study.
‡ Mannatech provided partial funding and provided the Ambrotose supplement and placebo used in this study.
Best T, Kemps E, Bryan J (2011) Perceived changes in well-being following polysaccharide intake in middle-aged adults. Applied Res Qual Life.
Best T, Howe P, Bryan J, et al (2011) Plant polysaccharides, memory and cognition in middle-aged adults. Presented at the 38th Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference in Aukland, New Zealand, April 28-30, 2011.
Best T, Kemps E, Bryan J (2010) Saccharide effects on cognition and well-being in middle-aged adults: A randomized controlled trial. Dev Neuropsych 35:66-80.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Did you know 95% of vitamin/mineral supplements sold in Health Food Stores/MLM/Dr's are synthetic? $20 billion sold.
Expert Advice on Natural Vitamins Today
Did you know that 95% of vitamin/mineral supplements sold in North America today are synthetic?1 In most cases, that means you’ll find rocks, petroleum and coal tar in the supplements you’re taking to help you maintain a healthy life.
A bit shocking, isn’t it?
It’s a mantra that we at Mannatech® have placed at the very center of our being, especially over the past few weeks. At the beginning of September, more than one thousand of our top Associates in North America came together and helped us launch the Real Switch Challenge, a campaign where we’re simply asking people to consider a switch from a synthetic supplement to one based on Real Food Technology® solutions. As you can see in this video, it’s a pretty compelling story.
Underscoring that message is our own Co-CEO and Chief Science Officer, Dr. Rob Sinnott. His recent post on the newly redesigned titled My Thoughts on Natural Vitamins in 2011 is a real eye-opener. It combines practicality, professionalism and passion, and it’s great reading for the typical reader.
Here are just a few excerpts to whet your appetite:
There are analytical machines readily available today, including those in Mannatech’s own R&D laboratory, that can blindly distinguish plant-sourced compounds from “bioidentical” compounds synthesized from fossil fuels such as coal tar or petroleum.
As would be expected, the carbon isotope ratios of natural vitamins derived from recently harvested organisms are quite different from those of vitamins synthesized from fossil fuels.
Science aside, I have found that when consumers are aware that there is a choice between naturally sourced vitamins and synthetic vitamins, they overwhelmingly prefer the natural vitamins.
Read Dr. Sinnott’s post on natural vitamins now.
A bit shocking, isn’t it?
It’s a mantra that we at Mannatech® have placed at the very center of our being, especially over the past few weeks. At the beginning of September, more than one thousand of our top Associates in North America came together and helped us launch the Real Switch Challenge, a campaign where we’re simply asking people to consider a switch from a synthetic supplement to one based on Real Food Technology® solutions. As you can see in this video, it’s a pretty compelling story.
Underscoring that message is our own Co-CEO and Chief Science Officer, Dr. Rob Sinnott. His recent post on the newly redesigned titled My Thoughts on Natural Vitamins in 2011 is a real eye-opener. It combines practicality, professionalism and passion, and it’s great reading for the typical reader.
Here are just a few excerpts to whet your appetite:
There are analytical machines readily available today, including those in Mannatech’s own R&D laboratory, that can blindly distinguish plant-sourced compounds from “bioidentical” compounds synthesized from fossil fuels such as coal tar or petroleum.
As would be expected, the carbon isotope ratios of natural vitamins derived from recently harvested organisms are quite different from those of vitamins synthesized from fossil fuels.
Science aside, I have found that when consumers are aware that there is a choice between naturally sourced vitamins and synthetic vitamins, they overwhelmingly prefer the natural vitamins.
Read Dr. Sinnott’s post on natural vitamins now.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
The Vitamin Myth Exposed By Brian Clement
The Organic Consumers Association is proud to announce a new nationwide campaign called "Nutri-Con: The Truth About Vitamins & Supplements." Nutri-Con will expose the hazards and limited effectiveness of synthetic vitamins and supplements, and strive to create mass consumer awareness and marketplace demand for truly organic, "naturally occurring" vitamins, botanicals, and supplements. Part of this campaign will be the implementation of a new set of Naturally Occurring Standards (NOS), certification procedures, and labels which are truly "organic and beyond," and to expose the fact that 90% or more of the vitamins and supplements now on the market labeled as "natural" or "food based" actually are spiked with synthetic chemicals. The first company to meet these new NOS strict standards in the natural supplements sector is Botani Organics
A major underlying theme of this campaign will be to steadily inform and remind consumers that Big Pharma's prescription and over the counter drugs are generally hazardous substances offering no real solution to our health problems; while preventive health and wellness promotion, traditional holistic remedies, and complementary medicine practices represent the "organic road" to health. In terms of wellness promotion, there is no doubt that an organic whole foods-based diet and a healthy lifestyle are the "best medicine" for those of us trying to survive and keep our families healthy in the toxic soup of 100,000 synthetic chemicals that surround us everyday, polluting our food, water,medicines, homes, and environment. But as we complement our organic whole foods-based diet with herbs and supplements, we need to make sure that these vitamins and botanicals are derived from naturally occurring plant and mineral sources, and that they contain no synthetic chemicals whatsoever.
Below is the first installment of an eye-opening new book, "Vitamin Myth Exposed," by Brian Clement of the Hippocrates Health Institute, which the OCA will be publishing over the next 60 days. This book is nothing less than the opening salvo in a campaign that OCA believes will revolutionize the $20 billion vitamin and supplements industry. OCA sees this effort as part of our ongoing efforts to establish and safeguard strict organic standards in food and farming, clothing, body care, and other important consumer sectors.
We invite you to please circulate the "Vitamin Myth Exposed," widely to friends and family, and to talk to your local natural foods store or coop about joining forces with the OCA in this important new campaign.
For Health and an Organic Future,
Ronnie Cummins
National Director, Organic Consumers Association
A major underlying theme of this campaign will be to steadily inform and remind consumers that Big Pharma's prescription and over the counter drugs are generally hazardous substances offering no real solution to our health problems; while preventive health and wellness promotion, traditional holistic remedies, and complementary medicine practices represent the "organic road" to health. In terms of wellness promotion, there is no doubt that an organic whole foods-based diet and a healthy lifestyle are the "best medicine" for those of us trying to survive and keep our families healthy in the toxic soup of 100,000 synthetic chemicals that surround us everyday, polluting our food, water,medicines, homes, and environment. But as we complement our organic whole foods-based diet with herbs and supplements, we need to make sure that these vitamins and botanicals are derived from naturally occurring plant and mineral sources, and that they contain no synthetic chemicals whatsoever.
Below is the first installment of an eye-opening new book, "Vitamin Myth Exposed," by Brian Clement of the Hippocrates Health Institute, which the OCA will be publishing over the next 60 days. This book is nothing less than the opening salvo in a campaign that OCA believes will revolutionize the $20 billion vitamin and supplements industry. OCA sees this effort as part of our ongoing efforts to establish and safeguard strict organic standards in food and farming, clothing, body care, and other important consumer sectors.
We invite you to please circulate the "Vitamin Myth Exposed," widely to friends and family, and to talk to your local natural foods store or coop about joining forces with the OCA in this important new campaign.
For Health and an Organic Future,
Ronnie Cummins
National Director, Organic Consumers Association
Mannatech Library - Sam Caster IPad Demo Want a free Ipad?
Advertisers are set to spend $1.23 billion on mobile advertising this is first time ever the $1 billion mark.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
I owned a Health Food Store for 15 years. I know what's sold in them. 95% of there minerals are ground up rocks (dirt). There not food.
Check the label on your minerals. Chelated magnesium, magnesium oxide, aspartate or gluconate are all ground-up rocks not food.
Bob Burg's Interview with Susan Solovics new book, It's Your Biz: "The Complete Guide to Becoming Your Own Boss"
Monday, October 3, 2011
Is Mannatech a scam? Watch Dr. John Rollins rebuttal to that claim.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Before America was founded it was 100% unemployment yet millions came because of the opportunity. Still opportunity, most don't try.
In the olden days everybody had a horse, only the rich had a car. Nowadays everybody has a car and only the rich have a horse. Ken Anderson
Fever Blister or Cold Sore shows a deficiency!
A "cold sore" is from a deficiency of lysine and amino acids found in protein.
Because the body does not manufacture L-lysine, the only source of the amino acid is food or supplementation. L-lysine is found in red meat, chicken, fish, eggs and Parmesan cheese. Vegetarians may have an L-lysine deficiency if they don't get adequate levels of L-lysine from soy-based products, nuts and whole grains. Most legumes are high in L-lysine, as are the grains amaranth and quinoa, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Here's a list of some other things that contribute to a lysine deficiency. Lack of sleep, too much chocolate, eating too many peas, and lack bacteria in the gut.
Poor Digest of Protein
As a we age, we produce less of the enzymes necessary to digest protein. According to Dr. Jonathan Wright, supplements of hydrochloric acid with pepsin can be highly beneficial. I also say always take digestive enzymes with every meal that has protein in it. Even better take enzymes every meal even if it does not have meat, nuts or raw milk cheese.
Read more: What Are the Causes of L-Lysine Deficiency? |
Read more:
Read more:
Because the body does not manufacture L-lysine, the only source of the amino acid is food or supplementation. L-lysine is found in red meat, chicken, fish, eggs and Parmesan cheese. Vegetarians may have an L-lysine deficiency if they don't get adequate levels of L-lysine from soy-based products, nuts and whole grains. Most legumes are high in L-lysine, as are the grains amaranth and quinoa, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Here's a list of some other things that contribute to a lysine deficiency. Lack of sleep, too much chocolate, eating too many peas, and lack bacteria in the gut.
Poor Digest of Protein
As a we age, we produce less of the enzymes necessary to digest protein. According to Dr. Jonathan Wright, supplements of hydrochloric acid with pepsin can be highly beneficial. I also say always take digestive enzymes with every meal that has protein in it. Even better take enzymes every meal even if it does not have meat, nuts or raw milk cheese.
Read more: What Are the Causes of L-Lysine Deficiency? |
Read more:
Read more:
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Wellness Doesn’t Just Miraculously Appear.

It is generally accepted that health doesn’t just miraculously appear. Rather, it is the end result of a process that begins at the cellular level in the body and cascades through tissues and organs to ultimately be identified at the clinical level. To be clinically healthy, it is essential that the process start with healthy cells and molecules, the basic building blocks of tissues and organs. Health, therefore, is a cellular event that ultimately expresses itself clinically. That is why nutrition is so important. Nutrition not only supplies energy, it also provides the ingredients the body uses to create cells and molecules. For optimal health, there must be optimal function at the cellular level. For optimal function, there must be optimal structure. One follows the other.
Most proteins in the body are glycosylated, meaning they have sugar molecules, known as carbohydrates, attached to them. They are not simply proteins, they are glycoproteins. The carbohydrates are an integral part of the overall three-dimensional structure of glycoproteins and, therefore, have a significant effect on their function. It would, therefore, be important to know if adding a glyconutritional supplement to the diet has any impact on the glycosylation profile of glycoproteins.
What’s the Effect of Adding Advanced Ambrotose Powder to Your Diet?
A recent human clinical study, published in a major peer-reviewed international nutrition journal, helps to answer that question. The results document conclusively that the ingestion of Advanced Ambrotose powder can affect the body at a basic level by significantly altering the glycosylation of glycoproteins. Researchers at St. George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London, studied the N-linked carbohydrate component of serum glycoproteins in the blood of a group of healthy adults.(1)† Over a number of weeks they measured the glycosylation of these serum glycoproteins in order to establish a baseline. The study participants were then given increasing amounts of Advanced Ambrotose powder at regular bi-weekly intervals with protein glycosylation being measured at each step. What they found was very interesting. The ingestion of Advanced Ambrotose powder altered the glycosylation profiles in the participants’ serum. Moreover, the more of the product the participants ingested, the more the glycosylation profiles changed. Clearly, the glycosylation changes were directly attributable to the ingestion of the Advanced Ambrotose powder, and it was happening in a dose-dependent manner.
This is a very important clinical study. It is the opinion of the investigators that this is the first time that glycosylation changes have been documented in healthy subjects as a consequence of nutritional intervention. The nutritional intervention in this case was the addition of the nutritional supplement Advanced Ambrotose powder to the diet. The full clinical implications of these glycosylation changes have yet to be determined. What can be said conclusively is that the ingestion of Advanced Ambrotose powder affects the body at a basic level. This is a scientifically valid, peer-reviewed, objective study that has nothing to do with symptoms or how people feel. Once and for all, this negates the opinions of so-called experts and miscellaneous detractors who argue, for their own varied reasons, that Mannatech’s glyconutritional supplements cannot have an effect on the body. They do! In fact, previous human clinical studies have also documented cognitive, well-being and gastrointestinal benefits (2),(3),(4).* Mannatech’s glyconutritional supplements work, and you can take that to the bank!
Check out more details of this and other studies on the website
Dr. Stephen Boyd is a paid consultant for Mannatech, Incorporated.
†This research was funded by a research grant from Mannatech, Incorportated.
1. Alavi A, Fraser O, Tarelli E, Axford J. An open-label dosing study to evaluate the safety and effects of a dietary plant-derived polysaccharide supplement on the N-glycosylation profile of serum in healthy subjects. Eur J Clin Nutr 2008;65:648-56.
2. Best T, Kemps E, Bryan J. Perceived changes in well-being following polysaccharide intake in middle-aged adults. Applied Res Qual Life 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s/11482-001-9158-2.
3. Best T, Kemps E, Bryan J. Saccharide effects on cognition and well-being in middle-aged adults: A randomized controlled trial. Dev Neuropsych 2010;35:66-80.
4. Stancil AN, Hicks LH. Glyconutrients and perception, cognition, and memory. Perceptual Mot Skills 2009;10:259-70.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
For more information on Ambrotose
Friday, September 30, 2011
Proteolytic enzymes such as bounced back, Wobenzyn & Chymotrate should only be taken on an empty stomach.
Read "My Thoughts on Natural Vitamins in 2011" on my web by Dr. Rob Sinnott. Share it, like it & enjoy it.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
I don't use expensive fruit juices with 90%+water. Aloe leaf is 98.5% water & freeze drying to a concentrated power gets the MICHALIS-MENTEN phenomenon.
Your vitamin C is it synthetic man-made coal tar? Synthetic forms are Ascorbic acid, calcium ascorbate and sodium ascorbate.
Our skin has holes in it. People often make their skin harmful to their body by adding toxins to it (perfume etc). read my new post & share it.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
New post on scientific way to tell if vitamins are natural "My Thoughts on Natural Vitamins in 2011"
My Thoughts on Natural Vitamins in 2011

I have been asked on many occasions to share my thoughts about naturally sourced vitamins and minerals, specifically why I prefer them when designing new product formulations. My thinking on this subject has evolved over several decades from the point where I assumed equivalency between naturals and synthetics, to where I am today. When I first started into analytical chemistry in the 1980s, it was accepted practice to use synthetic vitamins as the standard when analyzing and quantifying vitamins from both natural and synthetic sources. This was because the analytical methods commonly employed at the time were based on relatively simple chromatographic equipment that could not distinguish natural from synthetic. Both compounds co-eluted using these methods, so it was assumed that they must be the same. It didn’t occur to me (or others) at the time that this could be due to a limitation of our methods rather than an absolute “truth” about the equivalency of natural and synthetic vitamins.
This is how it is with science. Based on information and equipment that simply was not available when I developed my original thoughts on the subject, I now realize several factors that certainly could make a significant difference in how natural and synthetic vitamins perform in actual living beings. While these differences are still in the early stage of being defined, I personally believe that there is something important we have been missing, and it will not be a simple matter to sort it out. We have to accept that science is always a work in progress and what we may “know” about our technology at one time could be radically different several decades into the future because of factors that we didn’t know about or take into serious consideration.
Technology Now Distinguishes Natural and Synthetic Vitamins
The first thing that helped change my thinking about natural versus synthetic vitamins was the wider availability of better analytical technology. There are analytical machines readily available today, including those in Mannatech’s own R&D laboratory, that can blindly distinguish plant-sourced compounds from “bioidentical” compounds synthesized from fossil fuels such as coal tar or petroleum. These analytical machines are equipped with mass-selective detectors that can determine the ratio of isotopes in a particular compound. Carbon-based compounds such as vitamins and phytochemicals are all made up predominantly of two stable carbon isotopes (C12and C13) and one unstable isotope (C14), but the ratios differ depending on whether the material is derived from fresh plant material or from fossil fuel sources. Beyond this, we get into heavy chemistry. But suffice it to say that if we have two samples of a pure compound, such as beta-carotene, one of which is from a plant and the other synthesized from fossil fuels, it is possible to tell the difference. So, these two sources are not strictly identical as previously assumed. So the next question is, is this difference biologically important?
Organisms Distinguish Natural from Synthetic
Strictly speaking, the “chemistry” of an element is primarily dictated by the outer valence electrons of an atom. So, according to this thought, stable isotopes such as C12 and C13 should theoretically behave the same. In biological systems, there are some notable exceptions to this rule. A clear example of this occurs with the two major stable isotopes of hydrogen, which are “normal hydrogen,” with one proton, and deuterium, which has one proton and one neutron. Chemically, they should behave the same because they both have one valence electron, and in fact they do form analogous compounds with other elements. However, the way these compounds behave in biological systems can be very different. For example H20 (normal water) is chemically similar to D2O (heavy water) and behaves similarly under most conditions, but whereas H20 is non-toxic to living organisms, D2O at elevated concentrations above its natural abundance has toxicity toward plants and animals. Obviously, the complex metabolic processes present within living organisms do not see these stable isotopes as equivalent.
Another well-documented example of “isotopic discrimination” in living organisms involves the carbon isotopes C12 and C13. Certain types of plants such as cactus and other succulents have a unique type of photosynthesis called Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). This photosynthetic process, which has many steps, results in measurable enrichment of carbon isotopes and is thought to be due to the combined effects of diffusion and selective affinity of certain enzymes for specific carbon isotopes. First discovered in the plant kingdom in the early 1970s and more thoroughly studied in subsequent decades, this example shows that discrimination of carbon isotopes by living organisms can, and does, actually have biological relevance.
Much more recently, it was found that human enzymes involved in normal metabolism can also have certain carbon isotope preferences. In a study by Ludke et al. published in the Journal of Lipid Research in 2008, it was found that HMGR, a major enzyme involved in the production of steroid hormones like estrogen and testosterone, showed a statistically measurable preference for C12 over C13. This taken with other evidence, such as the fact that the pool of lipids in the body is typically around 8% depleted in C13, suggests that, at least in some human biological processes such as lipid and steroid synthesis, carbon isotope discrimination is significant and is probably important. So does this prove for certain that natural, plant-derived vitamins function better in humans than those synthesized from fossil fuels? It does not. But it does put forward a new hypothesis that might further explain some of the results that were recently compiled [l1] regarding the performance of natural vitamins versus synthetics. As would be expected, the carbon isotope ratios of natural vitamins derived from recently harvested organisms are quite different from those of vitamins synthesized from fossil fuels. After all, fossil fuels have decomposed over millions of years under severe heat and pressure conditions, so they would be expected to be quite different in composition from organic compounds of contemporary origin.
Natural Vitamins Appear to Be Absorbed Better and Retained Longer
Admittedly, research specifically focusing on the advantages of natural vitamins is still quite young and the evidence is far from conclusive, but some interesting data is emerging. In a peer-reviewed article published in 2000 in the journal Medical Hypothesis, author R.J. Thiel summarizes some interesting data culled from numerous studies on naturally sourced vitamins. Some of his findings from animal studies include:
“Natural food complex vitamin B1 was absorbed 1.38 times more into the blood and was retained 1.27 times more [l2] in the liver than an isolated USP thiamin hydrochloride.”
“Natural food complex vitamin B2 was absorbed into the blood and was retained 1.92 times more in the liver than an isolated USP riboflavin.”
“Natural food complex niacinamide is 3.94 times more absorbed in the blood than USP niacinamide and 1.7 times more retained in the liver than isolated USP niacinamide.”
“Natural food complex B6 was absorbed 2.54 times more into the blood and was retained 1.56 times more in the liver than an isolated USP form.”
“Natural food complex folate was absorbed only 1.07 times more into the blood, yet was retained 2.13 times more in the liver than isolated USP folic acid.”
“Natural food complex vitamin B12 was absorbed 2.56 times more into the blood and was retained 1.59 times more in the liver than isolated USP cyanocobalamin.”
Numerous ideas have been put forward about why natural, food-sourced vitamins may have better absorption and retention than purified synthetics have. It is known to be the case that with many naturally sourced vitamins the vitamins are complexed with other naturally occurring “impurities” such as natural fats, oils or phytochemicals. These naturally occurring complexes are known in some cases to enhance the biological absorption and/or retention of vitamins over purified, single-component compounds. This makes perfect sense since vitamin complexes in living organisms must remain soluble, while synthetic vitamins crystallized out of a solvent mixture during a chemical process can have a wide range of solubility.
In summary, I believe that there are some performance differences between natural and synthetic vitamins. These differences are perhaps based on multiple scientific factors, some of which haven’t been considered up to this point and none of which have been explored thoroughly. It’s not alchemy and it’s not quackery. It’s just a branch of science that is fresh and new and important, much like genetics was in the ‘70s and glycobiology was in the ’90s. Science aside, I have found that when consumers are aware that there is a choice between naturally sourced vitamins and synthetic vitamins, they overwhelmingly prefer the natural vitamins. Their decisions may be based on some scientific knowledge or they may be based on intuition alone. I haven’t done that research yet, but one thing is clear: The consumer has a preference for natural vitamins, and it’s always good business to meet the consumer’s needs and desires—especially when you can be unique in doing so.
Dr. Rob Sinnott
Dr. Rob Sinnott is Co-CEO and Chief Science Officer for Mannatech, Incorporated.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
I love my work helping people & my office. I love my work, Love my Wife (Dottie), Church & family. "2 blessed to be depressed."
Monday, September 26, 2011
Lets go to Natural vitamins.
Hay everyone check out the layout on my new website
Friday, September 23, 2011
Vitamins at 350°for 10 minutes

See what happens to vitamins supplements if they are not natural when you put them in the oven at 350°for 10 minutes.
When we put food in the oven it turns brown and so should your vitamins but if black stuff comes out of them it's obvious there not natural they are petroleum coal tar derivatives. Take a look at the pictures I posted and then try it with your vitamins. Let me know how it turns out OK?
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Dietary Guidelines: The USDA Makes It Simple, Mannatech Makes It Complete

Dietary Guidelines: The USDA Makes It Simple, Mannatech Makes It Complete Mannatech Research and Development Team
In 1977, when the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs issued “Dietary Goals for the United States,” their primary goal was to discourage excessive intake of food components linked to chronic disease. This was the first of many governmental attempts to influence America’s dietary choices. It can be argued that subsequent confusing political- and industry-driven food guides (1), including the well-known Food Guide Pyramid, actually contributed to the predicament we find ourselves in today: skyrocketing obesity and increased incidence of diseases associated with poor dietary choices. Today, about 1/3 of American adults are obese (2), and five of the 15 leading causes of death in the U.S. have a significant dietary component (
What Is On Your Plate?
Considering the magnitude of the problem, the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) 2010 dietary guidelines, “Choose My Plate,” is a small, but encouraging step in the right direction ( This simple image can serve as a great breakfast, lunch and dinner reminder for everyone. Just look at your plate and ask yourself: is it half-full of fruits and vegetables? If so, you’re halfway there! Add some lean protein and whole grains with a little dairy on the side, and you can sit back and enjoy your meal, guilt-free!
Even if we do remember this simple image, many of us will still find it difficult to fill our plates with the best foods at every meal. Because many health and nutrition experts understand this, they also recommend daily, judicious use of dietary supplements.(3),(4)
With My Plate in mind, we suggest that the USDA’s message be taken one step further: to best support optimal health, include a daily intake of Mannatech’s dietary supplements based on Real Food Technology® solutions. A good starting point would be our Real [4] for LifeSM products (see line-up below) plus our new, Omega-3 with Vitamin D3:
[1] Ambrotose® powder: glyconutrients for cellular communication and immune, brain and gastrointestinal health*
[2] PhytoMatrix® caplets: natural food-sourced vitamin/mineral/phytonutrient supplement*
[3] Ambrotose AO® capsules: the most effective antioxidant supplement on the market today*
[4] PLUS™ caplets: for endocrine, breast, prostate, cardiovascular, bone and colon health*
Omega-3 with Vitamin D3: for brain, bone and heart health; supports a healthy inflammatory response*
Excellent food choices plus the best quality supplements on the market today equals the MannatechPlate!
For those who want more specifics about science-based dietary/lifestyle choices, Harvard University’s Walter Willet and Patrick Skerrett’s Healthy Eating Pyramid is a great choice ( of material. Note that their pyramid indicates that most people would benefit from dietary supplements!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
1. Nestle M. Food Politics. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2002.
2. Flegal KM, Carroll MD, Ogden CL, Curtin LR. Prevalence and trends in obesity among US adults, 1999-2008. JAMA 2010;303:235–41.
3. Fletcher RH, Fairfield KM. Vitamins for chronic disease prevention in adults: clinical applications. JAMA 2002;287:3127–9.
4. Willett W, Stampfer M. Rebuilding the Food Pyramid. Scientific American 2003;64–71.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Synthetic Vitamin A Side Effects
Vitamin A Palmitate Side Effects
Vitamin A palmitate is a more stable, synthetic version of the essential nutrient vitamin A joined to palmitic acid. Vitamin A palmitate is the form used to fortify foods and skin moisturizers. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says it is generally regarded as safe. The FDA reports the lowest dose for side effects is a total vitamin A intake of 700 to 1,000 IU/kg per day over several months. In comparison, the recommended dietary allowance for adults is 50 IU/kg per day. The typical Western diet does not approach toxic levels of vitamin A unless large doses are taken as supplements.
Skin Effects
Vitamin A in its natural form of retinol is a common ingredient in topical creams marketed as wrinkle reducers or acne medications. In high doses taken by mouth, it causes dry, itchy or peeling skin on the lips and palms. Yellow-orange patches may appear on the soles of the feet, palms of the hands or on the skin around the nose and lips. Skin can become increasingly sensitive to sunlight at high doses. Hair loss is another side effect of taking toxic levels of total vitamin A.
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Body Pain
The severity of pain or illness experienced with ingesting high amounts of vitamin A varies with the dose. General weakness, joint and bone pain ranges from mild to disabling.
General Malaise
People taking high doses of vitamin A experience nonspecific symptoms. notes that general feelings of discomfort including headache, irritability, dizziness, fatigue and unusual excitability are reported. Double vision and convulsions are rare events that should be reported immediately to a doctor.
Stomach Effects
Stomach pain, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting are common side effects of ingesting large amounts of vitamin A.
Internal Organs reports that the liver and spleen can become enlarged with high vitamin A intake. People with liver disease risk developing intrahepatic cholestasis, a condition where bile can no longer flow into the intestines. Symptoms include intense itching--especially of the feet and hands, dark colored urine, light colored stool and increased frequency of urination or amount of urine passed.
Birth Defects Pregnant women who consume toxic levels of vitamin A increase the risk of birth defects in their unborn child. The FDA reports that laboratory animals fed high doses of vitamin A experience abortions or malformation of the central nervous system of the developing fetus. Vitamin A is excreted in breast milk. Infants exhibit a bugling fontanel or soft spot and brain pressure from ingesting high levels of vitamin A.
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FDA: Vitamin A Palmitate Vitamin A Vitamin A Basics
Vitamins and Health Supplements Guide: Vitamin A Palmitate
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About this Author
Diane Hauze started writing restaurant reviews in suburban Philadelphia in 2007. She has been published on and has experience in applied research in the pharmaceutical industry. Hauze holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania.
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Vitamin A palmitate is a more stable, synthetic version of the essential nutrient vitamin A joined to palmitic acid. Vitamin A palmitate is the form used to fortify foods and skin moisturizers. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says it is generally regarded as safe. The FDA reports the lowest dose for side effects is a total vitamin A intake of 700 to 1,000 IU/kg per day over several months. In comparison, the recommended dietary allowance for adults is 50 IU/kg per day. The typical Western diet does not approach toxic levels of vitamin A unless large doses are taken as supplements.
Skin Effects
Vitamin A in its natural form of retinol is a common ingredient in topical creams marketed as wrinkle reducers or acne medications. In high doses taken by mouth, it causes dry, itchy or peeling skin on the lips and palms. Yellow-orange patches may appear on the soles of the feet, palms of the hands or on the skin around the nose and lips. Skin can become increasingly sensitive to sunlight at high doses. Hair loss is another side effect of taking toxic levels of total vitamin A.
Crohn's Disease Symptoms Get the facts about the symptoms of Crohn's disease.
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Body Pain
The severity of pain or illness experienced with ingesting high amounts of vitamin A varies with the dose. General weakness, joint and bone pain ranges from mild to disabling.
General Malaise
People taking high doses of vitamin A experience nonspecific symptoms. notes that general feelings of discomfort including headache, irritability, dizziness, fatigue and unusual excitability are reported. Double vision and convulsions are rare events that should be reported immediately to a doctor.
Stomach Effects
Stomach pain, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting are common side effects of ingesting large amounts of vitamin A.
Internal Organs reports that the liver and spleen can become enlarged with high vitamin A intake. People with liver disease risk developing intrahepatic cholestasis, a condition where bile can no longer flow into the intestines. Symptoms include intense itching--especially of the feet and hands, dark colored urine, light colored stool and increased frequency of urination or amount of urine passed.
Birth Defects Pregnant women who consume toxic levels of vitamin A increase the risk of birth defects in their unborn child. The FDA reports that laboratory animals fed high doses of vitamin A experience abortions or malformation of the central nervous system of the developing fetus. Vitamin A is excreted in breast milk. Infants exhibit a bugling fontanel or soft spot and brain pressure from ingesting high levels of vitamin A.
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FDA: Vitamin A Palmitate Vitamin A Vitamin A Basics
Vitamins and Health Supplements Guide: Vitamin A Palmitate
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About this Author
Diane Hauze started writing restaurant reviews in suburban Philadelphia in 2007. She has been published on and has experience in applied research in the pharmaceutical industry. Hauze holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania.
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Friday, August 26, 2011
Whole vs. Synthetic Vitamins
Whole vs. Synthetic Vitamins
By John L. Shellabarger
According to Taber’s Medical Dictionary, vitamins are essential for normal metabolism, growth and life of the body.
They are indispensable for the maintenance of health. Up until now there has been
some contro-versy regarding the necessity to supplement vitamins back into the diet. The Journal of American Medical Association concluded from a study that every indi-vidual should take a multivitamin everyday, thus ending that controversy.
Research has proven that your body begins to pay the price as it tries to compensate for nutrient deficiencies. Eventually, poor nutrition can lead to devastating consequences. According to the U.S. Surgeon General.
Many people who get cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other serious diseases, may have been able to avoid such illnesses if they had been receiving proper nutrition and exercise. Getting the proper nutrients and micronutrients each day is critical to maintaining good health. So now hundreds of supplement companies have
looked to chemical derivatives and synthetic vitamins as a solution. The very logic of this seems irrational when you remember where vitamins come from. Vitamins are found in food, and just because current growing and processing methods have depleted the vitamins available from our foods, it does not mean that we should come up with new-fangled ways to get these micronutrients from some other source. Instead,
we should look for a way to get more of the safe, effective vitamins that are available only from foods. By using vitamin C as an example. Ascorbic acid is
often sold as vitamin C, and yet it is only a chemically derived fraction of the whole food vitamin. As it is found in food, vitamin C is a complete complex which
is actually made up of ascorbic acid plus rutin, bioflavonoids, K factor and J factors - as well as other substances that no human experiment has been able to
replicate. You must have all of these fractions in order for the Vitamin to be complete. In order for the body to absorb and use a vitamin, all of the parts of the complex must be present. That means that in order to use the fractionated form of the vitamin, the body must first supply the other parts of the whole food complex. If ascorbic acid alone is ingested, the body must complete the complex by
robbing its own collagen tissue of the elements that are missing in the “vitamin C” you supplied. This process is rarely complete and can even cause increased deficiencies. A published study by Doctors Vinson and Bose showed this to be the case. They found that vitamin C from citrus extract was absorbed 35 percent more than ascorbic acid. Their conclusion was that; “Although natural and synthetic ascorbic acids are chemically identical, citrus fruits contain bioflavonoids such as naringin and hesperidin as well as carbohydrates and proteins that might affect the
Another study conducted at the University of Scranton found a “significantly greater effectiveness” of citrus extract than of synthetic ascorbic acid in slowing the
progression of galactose cataracts. The citrus extract was 41 percent more effective.
Likewise, other vitamins have been shown in study after study to be more effective in their whole food form. One study by J.A. Vinson and C. Hsu, published in Medical Science Research, found whole food vitamin E and vitamin A to be more bioavailable
than isolated, synthetic forms of these vitamins. In the case of vitamin A, results showed the food base product was retained 9.4 times more than the synthetic form.
Synthetic vitamins simply cannot measure up to the real thing. As of 1996, over 3,800 different compounds have been identified in foods as having nutritional significance.
However, in a laboratory, twenty nutrients are about all that modern science can reproduce and put into a vitamin product. Even more of a concern than the ineffectiveness of these synthetic vitamins is the harm that they can cause. In the case of vitamin E, large doses of the fractionated form (alpha-tocopherol) pull vitamins and minerals from the bones. Supplementation of the synthetic, alpha-tocopherol form of vitamin E showed harmful effects, including 18 percent higher incidence of lung cancer, more strokes, more heart attacks and an 8 percent increase in the overall death rate.
Research also verifies that using just a fraction of vitamin A actually increases the risk of cancer. On the other hand, the whole food vitamin A, and foods containing vitamin A, has the opposite effect. The whole food form significantly reduces the risk of cancer.
A study done by Boston University School of Medicine and published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that synthetic vitamin A given to pregnant women increased the risk of birth defects, including such defects as cleft lip, cleft palate, heart malformations and nervous system damage.
No such defects were noted from ingesting whole foods that contain vitamin A.
Fractionated vitamins actually produce a drug-like reaction in the body. They stimulate increased activity of nerve cells and increase blood sugar pickup. This brings a feeling of euphoria and can create a temporary increase in energy but long term damage to the body. One of the latest studies was on Vitamin C as synthetic ascorbic acid. It was found to thicken the walls of the arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis. Researchers from the Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention found that of the 573 men and women studied, those who
regularly took vitamin C pills as Ascorbic Acid alone developed an inner artery wall layer 2.5 times thicker than that of people who did not take synthetic
With all this evidence to support whole food vitamins, why do you think companies continue to make and market the “cheap imitations”? The answer: Because
they are cheap. However, while these companies may save money and make more profit, there is no way the synthetic forms can match the effectiveness and health promoting qualities of a whole food vitamin. The human cell recognizes and can use for fuel, repair and function, only natural, whole food complexes. Whole food vitamins do not rob precious nutrients from the body, but supply the individual cells with the nutrients they need to flourish. For greatest gains in terms of health, take only whole food vitamins. When evaluating a vitamin supplement, you can simply read the label. Rather than multi-syllable, unpronounceable chemical names, you should find the names of foods listed as the vitamin sources. Remember, next to the name of any vitamin, if you don’t see a name of a food or an asterisk leading you to a place on the label that tells you the food source of the vitamins, you are more than likely looking at an inexpensive, processed vitamin that is stripped of all other compounds that are normally present with vitamins that are found in fruits and vegetables. If you see the name of a food referenced to the vitamin, be excited to know that you are getting vitamins direct from the whole food and, therefore, you are also getting the
essential precursors, enzymes, activators, antioxidants, and micronutrients (essential compounds) that are naturally found with vitamins. These essential
compounds make it much easier for the body to absorb and utilize the vitamins you are taking. Your body deserves to be given the right vitamins that are essential for your good health! Whole vitamins nutritionally support people who are challenged with the effects of stress, obesity, aging, acne/skin disorders, arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, sleep deprivation, cancer, heart disease, memory loss, poor vision, lack of energy, depression, and other health concerns. Eating healthy, getting the proper nutrients, annual medical checkups, and exercise are all critical in
keeping the body strong and healthy. Many people who begin to take vitamin supplements also start a workout program. It is suggested that you get a physical by your doctor before you start any exercise program to insure that you will be around for years to come.
1. Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, Edition 16.
F.A. Davis Company: Philadelphia,1989, p. 2000.
2. JAMA 2002; 287:3116.
3. JAMA 2002; 287:3116-3126.
4. U.S. Surgeon General Report. “Physical Health and
Activity Act,” 1996.
5. Vinson, J.A., Bose P. Comparative Bioavailability
to Humans of Ascorbic Acid Alone or in a Citrus
Extract. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1998,
Vol 38, No 3, p. 601-604.
6. Vinson, J.A., et al. Comparison of Two Forms of
Vitamin Con Galactose Cataracts.” Nutrition
Research, 1992, 12, p.915-922
7. Vinson, J.A., and Hsu. Effect of Vitamin A,E, and a
citrus extract on in vitro and in vivo Lipid
Peroxidation.” Medical Science Research, 1992, 20,
8. Duke, James. Handbook of Chemical Constituents
of Grasses, Herbs, and other Economical Plants. CRC
Press, Boca Raton. 1992
9. New England Journal of Medicine. Apr 14, 1994.
Vol 330, No 13.
10. New England Journal of Medicine. Nov 23, 1995.
Vol 333, No 21.
By John L. Shellabarger
According to Taber’s Medical Dictionary, vitamins are essential for normal metabolism, growth and life of the body.
They are indispensable for the maintenance of health. Up until now there has been
some contro-versy regarding the necessity to supplement vitamins back into the diet. The Journal of American Medical Association concluded from a study that every indi-vidual should take a multivitamin everyday, thus ending that controversy.
Research has proven that your body begins to pay the price as it tries to compensate for nutrient deficiencies. Eventually, poor nutrition can lead to devastating consequences. According to the U.S. Surgeon General.
Many people who get cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other serious diseases, may have been able to avoid such illnesses if they had been receiving proper nutrition and exercise. Getting the proper nutrients and micronutrients each day is critical to maintaining good health. So now hundreds of supplement companies have
looked to chemical derivatives and synthetic vitamins as a solution. The very logic of this seems irrational when you remember where vitamins come from. Vitamins are found in food, and just because current growing and processing methods have depleted the vitamins available from our foods, it does not mean that we should come up with new-fangled ways to get these micronutrients from some other source. Instead,
we should look for a way to get more of the safe, effective vitamins that are available only from foods. By using vitamin C as an example. Ascorbic acid is
often sold as vitamin C, and yet it is only a chemically derived fraction of the whole food vitamin. As it is found in food, vitamin C is a complete complex which
is actually made up of ascorbic acid plus rutin, bioflavonoids, K factor and J factors - as well as other substances that no human experiment has been able to
replicate. You must have all of these fractions in order for the Vitamin to be complete. In order for the body to absorb and use a vitamin, all of the parts of the complex must be present. That means that in order to use the fractionated form of the vitamin, the body must first supply the other parts of the whole food complex. If ascorbic acid alone is ingested, the body must complete the complex by
robbing its own collagen tissue of the elements that are missing in the “vitamin C” you supplied. This process is rarely complete and can even cause increased deficiencies. A published study by Doctors Vinson and Bose showed this to be the case. They found that vitamin C from citrus extract was absorbed 35 percent more than ascorbic acid. Their conclusion was that; “Although natural and synthetic ascorbic acids are chemically identical, citrus fruits contain bioflavonoids such as naringin and hesperidin as well as carbohydrates and proteins that might affect the
Another study conducted at the University of Scranton found a “significantly greater effectiveness” of citrus extract than of synthetic ascorbic acid in slowing the
progression of galactose cataracts. The citrus extract was 41 percent more effective.
Likewise, other vitamins have been shown in study after study to be more effective in their whole food form. One study by J.A. Vinson and C. Hsu, published in Medical Science Research, found whole food vitamin E and vitamin A to be more bioavailable
than isolated, synthetic forms of these vitamins. In the case of vitamin A, results showed the food base product was retained 9.4 times more than the synthetic form.
Synthetic vitamins simply cannot measure up to the real thing. As of 1996, over 3,800 different compounds have been identified in foods as having nutritional significance.
However, in a laboratory, twenty nutrients are about all that modern science can reproduce and put into a vitamin product. Even more of a concern than the ineffectiveness of these synthetic vitamins is the harm that they can cause. In the case of vitamin E, large doses of the fractionated form (alpha-tocopherol) pull vitamins and minerals from the bones. Supplementation of the synthetic, alpha-tocopherol form of vitamin E showed harmful effects, including 18 percent higher incidence of lung cancer, more strokes, more heart attacks and an 8 percent increase in the overall death rate.
Research also verifies that using just a fraction of vitamin A actually increases the risk of cancer. On the other hand, the whole food vitamin A, and foods containing vitamin A, has the opposite effect. The whole food form significantly reduces the risk of cancer.
A study done by Boston University School of Medicine and published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that synthetic vitamin A given to pregnant women increased the risk of birth defects, including such defects as cleft lip, cleft palate, heart malformations and nervous system damage.
No such defects were noted from ingesting whole foods that contain vitamin A.
Fractionated vitamins actually produce a drug-like reaction in the body. They stimulate increased activity of nerve cells and increase blood sugar pickup. This brings a feeling of euphoria and can create a temporary increase in energy but long term damage to the body. One of the latest studies was on Vitamin C as synthetic ascorbic acid. It was found to thicken the walls of the arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis. Researchers from the Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention found that of the 573 men and women studied, those who
regularly took vitamin C pills as Ascorbic Acid alone developed an inner artery wall layer 2.5 times thicker than that of people who did not take synthetic
With all this evidence to support whole food vitamins, why do you think companies continue to make and market the “cheap imitations”? The answer: Because
they are cheap. However, while these companies may save money and make more profit, there is no way the synthetic forms can match the effectiveness and health promoting qualities of a whole food vitamin. The human cell recognizes and can use for fuel, repair and function, only natural, whole food complexes. Whole food vitamins do not rob precious nutrients from the body, but supply the individual cells with the nutrients they need to flourish. For greatest gains in terms of health, take only whole food vitamins. When evaluating a vitamin supplement, you can simply read the label. Rather than multi-syllable, unpronounceable chemical names, you should find the names of foods listed as the vitamin sources. Remember, next to the name of any vitamin, if you don’t see a name of a food or an asterisk leading you to a place on the label that tells you the food source of the vitamins, you are more than likely looking at an inexpensive, processed vitamin that is stripped of all other compounds that are normally present with vitamins that are found in fruits and vegetables. If you see the name of a food referenced to the vitamin, be excited to know that you are getting vitamins direct from the whole food and, therefore, you are also getting the
essential precursors, enzymes, activators, antioxidants, and micronutrients (essential compounds) that are naturally found with vitamins. These essential
compounds make it much easier for the body to absorb and utilize the vitamins you are taking. Your body deserves to be given the right vitamins that are essential for your good health! Whole vitamins nutritionally support people who are challenged with the effects of stress, obesity, aging, acne/skin disorders, arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, sleep deprivation, cancer, heart disease, memory loss, poor vision, lack of energy, depression, and other health concerns. Eating healthy, getting the proper nutrients, annual medical checkups, and exercise are all critical in
keeping the body strong and healthy. Many people who begin to take vitamin supplements also start a workout program. It is suggested that you get a physical by your doctor before you start any exercise program to insure that you will be around for years to come.
1. Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, Edition 16.
F.A. Davis Company: Philadelphia,1989, p. 2000.
2. JAMA 2002; 287:3116.
3. JAMA 2002; 287:3116-3126.
4. U.S. Surgeon General Report. “Physical Health and
Activity Act,” 1996.
5. Vinson, J.A., Bose P. Comparative Bioavailability
to Humans of Ascorbic Acid Alone or in a Citrus
Extract. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1998,
Vol 38, No 3, p. 601-604.
6. Vinson, J.A., et al. Comparison of Two Forms of
Vitamin Con Galactose Cataracts.” Nutrition
Research, 1992, 12, p.915-922
7. Vinson, J.A., and Hsu. Effect of Vitamin A,E, and a
citrus extract on in vitro and in vivo Lipid
Peroxidation.” Medical Science Research, 1992, 20,
8. Duke, James. Handbook of Chemical Constituents
of Grasses, Herbs, and other Economical Plants. CRC
Press, Boca Raton. 1992
9. New England Journal of Medicine. Apr 14, 1994.
Vol 330, No 13.
10. New England Journal of Medicine. Nov 23, 1995.
Vol 333, No 21.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
To Supplement Or Not? That Is The Question
To Supplement Or Not? That Is The Question
By Heather Anderson
O.k., Real Foodies, there is some division on this subject out there, right? Some feel that you can get all that you need from your food and herbs. Some believe that it is good to supplement with fish liver oil and other whole food supplements. Still others endorse multiple vitamin and mineral supplements. There is a wide spectrum of views, so ultimately, each person has to check things out for themselves and decide. In this post I’ll share my reasons for believing that supplementation with the RIGHT supplements is very beneficial if not essential, and then how to know what the right supplements are.
First of all, even many of us who believe in eating real food don’t always get it all accomplished. Sometimes we eat out. Sometimes we don’t get that oatmeal soaked, or didn’t have organic produce available. Many of us could use a good quality supplement to help fill out what we are already doing. It is sometimes tempting to lean on supplements for our nutrition, but they will never adequately do that. They are intended to do just what the term implies, supplement what we are already doing for our bodies through the food we eat.
My second reason for supplementing is that we do not eat the variety of foods we used to eat. A wide variety of plants, herbs, roots and grains used to be eaten. Although some Real Foodies do better at including a wide variety, many do not. Roots especially were often wild harvested but rarely are today. They contain an immense amount of nutrients we just don’t get in other ways.
Thirdly, food is only as nutritious as the soil it is grown on. Most soil is extremely depleted. Even organic produce is often (though not always) grown on soil far inferior to what it was 50 or 100 years ago. The exception of course, is growing your own food on soil you know has been built up for many years.
Finally, there are so many added stresses to our lives that our bodies are burdened heavily by them. There are more toxins in our food, water, skin care, and in the air we breathe than ever before. Most of us live at such a frantic pace today we can hardly catch our breath. Even when we try to live “greener” and slower lives, there is much we can’t avoid unless willing to go hide out in the hills. And although I like to visit the hills, I do like living near civilization.
So, if like me, you see that it might be prudent to supplement, how do you choose. There are so many out there, and all claim to be just what you need. I heard a doctor say once when asked which supplement was the most important, “The one that is missing.” Personally, I believe that everyone should take a good quality, food form multi-vitamin. These usually cover the brood spectrum of nutrients necessary for our bodies to function. You will not find this quality at your local Wal-Mart or supermarket. And frankly, you get what you pay for. Good quality vitamins are not cheap! Always look for food form because it will be something that your body can actually use. Our bodies are designed to take in nutrients through plants and animals, not rocks and dirt. And synthetic vitamins are of course, not real. They are often made from petroleum and cold tar.
I also like to use supplements that help our hormonal systems function better. Our hormones do more than cover reproductive functions; they regulate body temperature, blood sugars, metabolism, growth, and function of organs . When hormones are out of balance, either too little or too much, the whole body is out of whack.
Glyconutrients are a newer category of nutrition discovered in the last twenty years. Glyconutrients are essential sugars that enable cells to communicate. Previously, sugars were thought to only be necessary for energy, but now we know that at least 8 are necessary for basically every function of the body. Our bodies do have the ability to produce these sugars, but the process is so complex that the body has to be functioning optimally to be able to do so. These sugars must be present to form protein molecules, to have proper immune function, to have proper brain function and so much more. Taking the immune system for example, you can have all the proper nutrients (vitamins and antioxidants, etc.) but if you don’t have these sugars present, your cells won’t be able to tell each other how to use them. Your cells won’t be able to recognize the good guys from the bad, thus you have either an underactive immune system (allowing for cancer, viruses, etc.) or an overactive immune system (allowing for auto immune diseases such as diabetes, lupus, and fibromyalgia). These sugars are mostly found in rarely eaten things such as roots, mushrooms (wild), saps, and seaweed. I have found the most noticeable health improvements when I have supplemented in this area.
Then there are all the various food based supplements such as fish liver oil, herbs and “super” berries etc. Supplementation can get expensive, so you have to decide where to draw the line. Also, remember that no one juice, berry or herb is a cure-all. We need variety! I am not putting down any particular super food, but any company that says you only need this one juice to be well, is not telling the whole truth in my opinion. I would like to add here that I love herbs, but have only minimal knowledge of how to use them effectively. I hope to grow in this area but it takes time. That being said, I do have certain herbs and combinations that I would hate to be without. (I will share more about these in future posts.)
There are some great companies out there that sell high quality products. These are a few that I personally feel I could recommend: Garden of Life, Dr. Mercola supplements, Standard Process, and Mannatech.
I hope this has given you something to think about and check into. Do you supplement? I would love comments; just keep them polite, please.
Note: My husband does sell Mannatech products and the links shared here do benefit us.
This post is linked to Real Food Wednesdays.
By Heather Anderson
O.k., Real Foodies, there is some division on this subject out there, right? Some feel that you can get all that you need from your food and herbs. Some believe that it is good to supplement with fish liver oil and other whole food supplements. Still others endorse multiple vitamin and mineral supplements. There is a wide spectrum of views, so ultimately, each person has to check things out for themselves and decide. In this post I’ll share my reasons for believing that supplementation with the RIGHT supplements is very beneficial if not essential, and then how to know what the right supplements are.
First of all, even many of us who believe in eating real food don’t always get it all accomplished. Sometimes we eat out. Sometimes we don’t get that oatmeal soaked, or didn’t have organic produce available. Many of us could use a good quality supplement to help fill out what we are already doing. It is sometimes tempting to lean on supplements for our nutrition, but they will never adequately do that. They are intended to do just what the term implies, supplement what we are already doing for our bodies through the food we eat.
My second reason for supplementing is that we do not eat the variety of foods we used to eat. A wide variety of plants, herbs, roots and grains used to be eaten. Although some Real Foodies do better at including a wide variety, many do not. Roots especially were often wild harvested but rarely are today. They contain an immense amount of nutrients we just don’t get in other ways.
Thirdly, food is only as nutritious as the soil it is grown on. Most soil is extremely depleted. Even organic produce is often (though not always) grown on soil far inferior to what it was 50 or 100 years ago. The exception of course, is growing your own food on soil you know has been built up for many years.
Finally, there are so many added stresses to our lives that our bodies are burdened heavily by them. There are more toxins in our food, water, skin care, and in the air we breathe than ever before. Most of us live at such a frantic pace today we can hardly catch our breath. Even when we try to live “greener” and slower lives, there is much we can’t avoid unless willing to go hide out in the hills. And although I like to visit the hills, I do like living near civilization.
So, if like me, you see that it might be prudent to supplement, how do you choose. There are so many out there, and all claim to be just what you need. I heard a doctor say once when asked which supplement was the most important, “The one that is missing.” Personally, I believe that everyone should take a good quality, food form multi-vitamin. These usually cover the brood spectrum of nutrients necessary for our bodies to function. You will not find this quality at your local Wal-Mart or supermarket. And frankly, you get what you pay for. Good quality vitamins are not cheap! Always look for food form because it will be something that your body can actually use. Our bodies are designed to take in nutrients through plants and animals, not rocks and dirt. And synthetic vitamins are of course, not real. They are often made from petroleum and cold tar.
I also like to use supplements that help our hormonal systems function better. Our hormones do more than cover reproductive functions; they regulate body temperature, blood sugars, metabolism, growth, and function of organs . When hormones are out of balance, either too little or too much, the whole body is out of whack.
Glyconutrients are a newer category of nutrition discovered in the last twenty years. Glyconutrients are essential sugars that enable cells to communicate. Previously, sugars were thought to only be necessary for energy, but now we know that at least 8 are necessary for basically every function of the body. Our bodies do have the ability to produce these sugars, but the process is so complex that the body has to be functioning optimally to be able to do so. These sugars must be present to form protein molecules, to have proper immune function, to have proper brain function and so much more. Taking the immune system for example, you can have all the proper nutrients (vitamins and antioxidants, etc.) but if you don’t have these sugars present, your cells won’t be able to tell each other how to use them. Your cells won’t be able to recognize the good guys from the bad, thus you have either an underactive immune system (allowing for cancer, viruses, etc.) or an overactive immune system (allowing for auto immune diseases such as diabetes, lupus, and fibromyalgia). These sugars are mostly found in rarely eaten things such as roots, mushrooms (wild), saps, and seaweed. I have found the most noticeable health improvements when I have supplemented in this area.
Then there are all the various food based supplements such as fish liver oil, herbs and “super” berries etc. Supplementation can get expensive, so you have to decide where to draw the line. Also, remember that no one juice, berry or herb is a cure-all. We need variety! I am not putting down any particular super food, but any company that says you only need this one juice to be well, is not telling the whole truth in my opinion. I would like to add here that I love herbs, but have only minimal knowledge of how to use them effectively. I hope to grow in this area but it takes time. That being said, I do have certain herbs and combinations that I would hate to be without. (I will share more about these in future posts.)
There are some great companies out there that sell high quality products. These are a few that I personally feel I could recommend: Garden of Life, Dr. Mercola supplements, Standard Process, and Mannatech.
I hope this has given you something to think about and check into. Do you supplement? I would love comments; just keep them polite, please.
Note: My husband does sell Mannatech products and the links shared here do benefit us.
This post is linked to Real Food Wednesdays.
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